04 October 2014

My Photos

 Malta is my country and Senglea is the name of my City. Senglea (L-Isla in Maltese) is a city in the east of Malta. It is one of the Three Cities of Malta, the other two are Cospicua and Vittoriosa, and has a population of slightly below three thousand people. The city is the most populated city in Europe taking the size of it. This City managed to resist the Ottoman invasion at the Siege of 1565. It curries the name of the Grand Master who built it Claude De La Sengle.

My name is Joseph. I was born in the mid 40's. I had the first camera when I was 12 years old and it was a box hi...hi. I found out that this is a great hobby especially now that I have all the time in the World to go around and shoot these beautiful landscapes. When I look to all these beautiful places I realize what a wonderful World we live in.
Time in Malta:


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Folklor Museum at Gozo

Folklor Museum at Gozo

Folklor Museum at Gozo

Folklor Museum at Gozo

Alley at Mqabba

Alley at Rabat

Alley at Zabbar

Alley at Zebbug

Xlendi Tower at Gozo

Munxar Valley at Gozo

House at Munxar, Gozo

A traditional house at Fontana in Gozo

Triton Fountain at Valletta

Valletta Grand Harbour

Ta' Pinu Għarb - Gozo

Għarb Basilica at Gozo

Harvest season at Gozo

Mile end at Santa Lucia in Gozo

Outskerts of Santa Lucia

The starting point of the Aquadot at Santa Lucia - Gozo

The village of Saint Lawrence in Gozo

Blow Hole at Armier

Cottage at Għammar at Għasri in Gozo

Pinto Wharf Marsa

Marsalforn Gozo

Knights prison at Victoria in Gozo

From Għajnsielem in Gozo

Xlendi Cliffs in Gozo

Cottage at Munxar in Gozo

Field passage at Xagħra in Gozo

Old house at Xagħra in Gozo

Raqqa Bay  in Gozo

White Tower Bay at Armier


White Tower - Armier

Iċ - Ċumnija at Mellieħa

l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa

l-Għadira at Mellieħa

Ras il-Waħx at Mellieħa

 Slug Bay at Mellieħa

Basilica of Our Lady of Patronage - Għasri at Gozo

Għajnsielem - Gozo

Xewkija - Gozo

Old Niche at Għasri - Gozo built 1773

San Dimitri Chapel limits of Għarb - Gozo 

Ta' Kenuna Tower - Nadur at Gozo

The Cittadella Bastions at Gozo

The Cittadella Clock at Gozo

The Cittadella at Gozo

Il-Gardjola at Senglea

At Christmas 2021 at Valletta

Senglea Point from Valletta

Melita Street Valletta

The Crib at Valletta 2021

Vittoriosa and Senglea from Valletta

Gozo fast Ferry

Malta at a distance

San Lawrence. Gozo

Near San Raflu Lake in Gozo

Ben Gorg Cliffs in Gozo

Lane in Santa Lucia in Gozo

San Blas In Gozo

Santa Lucia Parish Church in Gozo

The Cathedral in Victoria as seen from Santa Lucia In Gozo

Mgarr Port - Gozo

Ramla l-Hamra

San Blas Nadur

San Blass Nadur

Garden at Victoria - Gozo

House at Xagħra - Gozo

Marsalforn - Gozo

Marsalforn from Xagħra - Gozo

View from Xagħra - Gozo

Bridge to Xagħra Hill - Gozo

Qbajjar and Xwejni from Xagħra - Gozo

Panoramic view from Xagħra - Gozo

Victoria streets in Gozo

View from Zebbug - Gozo

Marsalforn - Gozo

Marsalforn - Gozo

Marsalforn - Gozo

View from Zebbug - Gozo

View from Zebbug - Gozo

Dwejra - Gozo

Gharb Church

Marsalforn cave

Beneat Bighi

Castille official residence of the Prime Minister

La Valette

Lower Barrakka

St. John Co-Cathedral

Upper Barrakka

Il-Mandraġġ at Vittoriosa

Rinella point

Valletta from Rinella

Behind Fort St. Angelo

Esplora in Kalkara

Breakwater Bridge in Valletta

Bighi Lift

Control Tower at Valletta

No. 1 Dock at Cospicua

Marina at Vittoriosa

House at Xghajra

Rig entering Harbour

St. John Co-Cathedral in Valletta

St. Julian's Church in Senglea

Hey Store at Hompesch Road, Fgura

Upper Valletta

Valletta Harbour


Harbour Cruises

Bighi, St. Angela, Senglea

Victoria Chapel Valletta


Fort Lascaris

Harbour Bridge


Fort St. Angela from Lower Barrakka

Fort St. Angelo

Lower Barrakka

War Memorial at Floriana

Les Gavroches, Upper Barrakka Garden. Valletta

Inner Corradino 

Sally Port. Senglea

St. John Co-Cathedral. Valletta

St. Angelo Str. Senglea

Ta' Liesse Church. Valletta

Siren Str. Senglea

Senglea Lookout (Il-Gardjola)

Inside the Gardjola Garden

Sally Port at Senglea, what a view

Tused to be the No. 1 Dock 

An exotic snake around the hands of a young boy

St. Michael Bastions

Cottonera lines

Valletta and St. Angelo

Il-Gardjola - Senglea

Il-Maċina - Senglea

Rinella - Kalkara

St. Laurence Church  Vittoriosa

Vittoriosa Marina

St. Lucian Tower - Marsaxlokk

Waterfront - Valletta

 Kalanka - Kalkara

Windmill at Zabbar




St. Lucian Tower - Marsaxlokk

Fort St. Angelo

Fort Ricasoli

Valletta Breakwater

Valletta Bastions

Kalanka vicinity of Kalkara

Fort St Angelo

Starboard side of Fort St. Angelo


Folklore Museum at Gozo 

The Bell at Valletta as seen from Senglea

Fort Saint Angelo Port Side

Main entrance to Fort St. Angelo

Explora at Bighi


Fort Ricasoli



Valletta - Ships signal station

Valletta as seen from Senglea

View from Zebbug in Gozo

View from Bahrija

Salt Pans at Xwejni. Gozo

Point Street. Senglea

Traditional Chinese Costume

Typical African Lady

East Str at Valletta

President Palace at Valletta

President Palace at Valletta

Oil Tanker Santa Elena inside the Harbour

Hompesch Gate - Fgura

Kalkara entrance

Port and starboard Lanterns 

Fort St. Angelo at Vittoriosa



Gzira and Ta' Xbiex

Palazzo Parisio - Naxxar

Palazzo Parisio - Naxxar

Palazzo Parisio - Naxxar

Palazzo Parisio - Naxxar



St. Elmo Valletta

The Grand Harbour


The Phone Booth at Mdina

The Organ at Mdina Cathedral

Maltese Dgħajsa crossing the Harbour

Senglea with Valletta at a distance

Senglea Point Bastions

Lower Barrakka photo shot from Senglea

Fort St. Angelo at Vittoriosa

St. Michael Bastions at Senglea

The Macina at Senglea Marina

Valletta shot from Senglea 

Cospicua and Vittoriosa Marina

Senglea at night

The Macina at Senglea

Il-Gardjola at Senglea

Triton Fountain at Valletta

Flame that never dies at Valletta

Grand Harbour Bridge

Castille Palace. Official residence of the Prime Minister of Malta 

Steps to Laparelli Gardens in Valletta


Cittadella - Gozo

Fort St. Angelo, Kalkara side

Ghasri at Gozo


Gardjola Garden at Senglea

Ggantija Temples at Xaghra in Gozo

View from Xaghra - Gozo




At the Natural Museum in Gozo

Port side Lantern at the Breakwater

Prison Museum at Gozo



Starboard side Lantern at the Breakwater

Ta Leisse Valletta

At Xaghra - Gozo

Village old house - Rabat

Sliema Point

St. Michael Bastions Floriana

St. Michael Bastions Floriana

Breakwater entrance

Fort Manoel

Hay Wharf Naval Base at Floriana

Il-Macina Senglea

Railway Bridge at Mtarfa

Valletta Harbour

The Anglican Cathedral at Valletta

House at Zabbar - Malta

Manoel Island - Gzira Malta

Senglea and Vittoriosa at a distance

The majestic Breakwater at Valletta

American University of Malta - Sadeen Building

Ghadira Nature Reserve

Qammieh Cliffs

Ta' Qassiesu at Mellieha

St. Angelo

Għadira on one side, iċ-Ċumnija on the other 

St. Agatha Tower Mellieha

Victory Str. at Senglea

The new Gas Power Station

Freeport at Kalafrana

Freeport at Kalafrana

Manoel Theatre


Behind St. Angelo - Vittoriosa

The Grand Harbour


Il-Mandragg at Vittoriosa


Senglea entrance gate

Il-Gardjola at Senglea

The Macina

Il-Macina L-Isla

From Senglea to Vittoriosa Marina

Upper Barrakka to Waterfront

Mixta Cave on Gozo Island

Ir-Ramla l-Hamra in Gozo

Ir-Ramla l-Hamra in Gozo

Outskirts of Nadur in Gozo

Mixta Cave in Gozo

Il-Munxar Malta

Il-Munxar Malta

An alley at Victoria , Gozzo

Il-Lunzjata, Victoria

Il-Lunzjata, Gozo

Outskirts of Kercem

Dom Mintoff

Triton Fountain

St. Angelo


St. Anthony Chapel - Marsaskala

Tal-Maqluba - Qrendi

Tal-Maqluba - Qrendi

Tal-Maqluba - Qrendi

The Tritoni Fountain at Valletta entrance

Senglea at a distance

Valletta Breakwater

Tigne at Sliema

Vittoriosa at a distance


Fort St. Angelo

Lower Barrakka



The Bell 


Explora at Kalkara

Il-Mandragg Vittoriosa


Kalkara Marina


Cottonera Gate

A view from Cottonera Gate

St. Lucian Tower




San Girgor - Zejtun

San Girgor - Zejtun

The Macina to Vittoriosa

Inside the Harbour

Fort St. Angelo


Il-Gardjola at Senglea

Advanced Gate at Vittoriosa 

Il-Gardjola at Senglea

Siren Street at Senglea


Barrakka Lift

Bighi Marina

Bighi and St. Angelo

Bighi in late evening

Birgu - Couvre Porte Gate

Vittoriosa Bridge

Reqqa Point in Gozo

St. Lawrence Church Vittoriosa

St. Angelo and part of Valletta

Fort St. Angelo

The Window at Dwejra, but it want replace the original one collapsed during a storm recently.

Valletta Port

Valletta Port



Wied il-Ghasri in Gozo

The Tower at Dwejra in Gozo

Il-Qolla l-Bajda. at Gozo

L-Ghammar at Gozo

Dragunara point


Tal Gurdan Lighthouse at Gozo

Marfa Road to Ghadira

Ghasri at Gozo 

Fungus Rock (Il-Gebla tal-General) Dwejra in Gozo

Red Sand Bay (Ir-Ramla l-Hamra) in Gozo 

Santa Maria  at Mellieha

After the collapse Of the Azure Window in Dwejra Gozo, a face shows up at the top

The Sanctuary at Mellieha

View from Mellieha

Village house at Xaghra


Ta' Kola Windmill Xaghra

Today the 8th March 17 the Azure Window on Gozo Island has collapsed even its stacks has gone for ever after a big storm with waves of about 10 meters and high winds hit the Maltese Islands. A great loss for the Maltese community.

Today the 8th March 17 the Azure Window on Gozo Island has collapsed even its stacks has gone for ever after a big storm with waves of about 10 meters and high winds hit the Maltese Islands. A great loss for the Maltese community.

The Cathedral at Victoria Gozo

Clouds building up at Nadur



Fields at Gozo

Floating city at Sea Passenger Terminal

Lower Barrakka from Senglea

Mdina narrow streets

Mdina narrow streets 

Fort St. Angelo at Vittoriosa

Valletta from Senglea 

St. Angelo Vittoriosa

Archbishop Street Valletta


Castille Place Valletta

Swans at the President Palace

St. Thomas Bay 

The Cathedral at Mdina

The Grand Harbour from Senglea


Dan il-ġnien qiegħed Santa Luċija, fejn it-trankwilita u s-serenita hija xi ħaġa li tesperjenza waqt iz-żjara tiegħek 
The Serenity Garden at Santa Luċija. You can feel the tranquility and serenity while visiting this garden

Gasino Notabile - Rabat

Gasino Notabile - Rabat

Letter Box at Sengla

Mtarfa at a distance

Marsaskala at sunset

Sunset at Marsaskala

The Red Tower at Mellieha

Valletta at a distance

Vittoriosa Steeples

Xlendi Cliffs

The Bell Valletta

Upper Barrakka


Fort St. Angelo at a distance

Vittoriosa Marina


Birgu Parish

Vittoriosa Church Steeple

                                                                 Alley at Zabbar                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Nadur Parish Church

Upper Barrakka at Valletta

The Grand Harbour

Valletta Water Front

Xlendi Cliffs

St. Angelo at a distance


Fort St. Angelo

Xlendi inlet

Wind Surf at Valletta Terminus


Kalkara Marina

Senglea Point

Vittoriosa marina

Vittoriosa Steeple

Cave at Xlendi

Cliffs at Xlendi

Costa Pacifica at Valletta Terminal



Senglea Point

Ta' Cenc in Gozo

Triton Fountain at Valletta

Valletta at Night


Marsalforn from the Cittadella


St. Gregory Bastions at Valletta

St.Paul's Cathedral at Valletta

St. Angelo


From Mgarr ix-Xini

Ghasri in Gozo

Wied Mgarr ix-Xini Gozo

Marsaxlokk Fishing Vessels


Evening at Marsaskala

Evening at Marsaskala

St. Paul's Cathedral Valletta

St. Lucian Tower Marsaxlokk

Free Port at Birzebbuga

Castille Place Valletta


Manoel Island





St. Angelo Vittoriosa

Ta' Liesse Valletta

Old Balconies at Valletta

St. Thomas Tower at Marsaskala

Valletta Grand Harbour

Azure Window Dwejra - Gozo

Mdina Narrow Streets

Limits of Wied il-Mielah - Gozo

Narrow Street at Mdina

Ghasri Village walk - Gozo

Mdina Narrow Streets

Old Dogana (Custom House) at Valletta

Ta' Pinu Shrine in Gozo

Limits of Wied il-Mielah in Gozo

Mdina Streets

Upper Barrakka from Senglea

Valletta Grand Harbour

Dockyard Clock at Senglea

The Cittadella from Ghasri in Gozo

Old Farm house in Fgura

A beautiful restored house to the entrance to Victoria in Gozo

Gozo - Limits of Wied il-Mielah

The Cittadella from Ghasri

Gozo - Ta' Pinu

Wied il-Mielah Limits of Ghasri in Gozo

Ladies in Between

Valletta and Fort St. Angelo

Gozo - Cittadella Old Building

Gozo - Cittadella Bastions Restored

Gozo - Windmill at Gharb Road

Along Ghasri Road in Gozo

Gozo - Ta' Pinu Road farmhouse

Gozo - On the way to Xlendi

Windmill at Cospicua

Marsaxlokk Fishing Village 


No 1 Dock at Cospicua



Zebbug at Gozo



Windmill at Cospicua

Hope Chapel at Mosta

There were 5 springs at Fontana in Gozo. Three are no more. L-Ghajn il-Kbira was the most important. This wash house dates 1373 but the present building dates 1685.

War Shelter at Fontana in Gozo

Marsalforn as seen from the Cittadella

The Court House at Gozo

Marsalforn as seen from the Cittadella 

Cottage at St. Lawrence in Gozo

Xlendi Bay entrance at Gozo

Kalkara Gate

Fort Ricasoli  Kalkara

The Cathedral Mdina

The Cathedral Mdina

Parish Church Fontana Gozo

Fontana Cottage Gozo

Valletta Quay

 Vittoriosa Narrow Street

Vittoriosa ditch

Farm House at Zabbar

Vittoriosa Gate Bridge

The Bell at Valletta

Old abandoned farmhouse at Fgura 

The Cathedral from Cittadella Bastions

There were 5 springs at Fontana in Gozo. Three are no more. L-Ghajn il-Kbira was the most important. This wash house dates 1373 but the present building dates 1685. The three coat of arms at the back are those of the Azzopardi family who built the wash house. The Grandmaster Gregorio Caraffa (1680-1690) at the centre and that of the Universitas  the regional government on the right

The Court House at Cittadella Gozo

St. Angelo and Valletta

Vittoriosa and Cospicua

Zabbar Parish Church

Zebbug Gozo Parish Church

Hay Store at fgura

Abantoned farm house at Fgura


Valletta Break Water

Sea passenger terminal at Valletta

Couvre De Port Vittoriosa

Dockyard Clock at Senglea

Educational Hall at Floriana

Fort St. Michael Senglea

Mdina Bastions

St. Philip Garden at Floriana

Belvedere at St. Angelo, Vittoriosa

Marsaxlokk fishing Village

Vittoriosa old entrance

Bighi from Fort St. Angelo

Grand Harbour Bridge at Valletta

Costa Deliziosa at Valletta Harbour

The Dockyard Clock at Senglea


Dockyard Clock at Senglea 

Floriana Church Steeple

Sarria Dome at Floriana

Floriana, Sliema in the Background

St. Philip Garden at Floriana

St. Angelo Bastions at Vittoriosa

Windmill at Zabbar

Floriana Wignacourt Fountain

Kalkara Waterfront

Marsaxlokk Harbour

Floriana Church Bell

Marsaxlokk Fishing Village

Marsaxlokk Port

Rock cut Bollards at St. Angelo Vittoriosa

Valletta Breakwater

Kalkara Waterfront

St. Julian's

St. Lawrence at Vittoriosa Square

Vittoriosa Church Steeple

 Are you ready to sleep in this abandoned house at Vittoriosa

Bubaqra Tower limits of Zurrieq

Mosta Dome

Octopus at Mellieha 

Fort St. Angelo at Vittoriosa

Merchant Street Valletta

Cospicua and Senglea

Alley at Bubaqra limits of Zurrieq

The Ark at the Cittadella in Victoria Gozo

St. George's Sqr in Valletta

The Marsa Power Station now ceased operation

Senglea at night

The Ark at the Cittadella in Gozo

Cospicua and Vittoriosa

Mosta Rotunda as seen from Mdina



 Just under the Cittadella in Gozo


 Mdina entrance Bridge

Traditional House in Victoria Gozo

Il - Kalanka limits of Kalkara

Mdina Bastions

Fountain at Upper Barrakka in Valletta

Mdina entrance Bridge

Mqabba Alley 


Relaxing at Upper Barrakka in Valletta

Senglea as seen from Valletta

Central Bank of Malta

The Cathedral at Mdina


Bay entrance at Marsaskala

A Balcony at Marsaskala 

Central Bank of Malta

St. Lawrence Church Vittoiosa

St. John Co-Cathedral Valletta

St. Lawrence Church Vittoriosa

St. Lucian Tower - Marsaxlokk

St. Georges Bay - Birzebbuga

Sannat Church in Gozo

The Rosary Chapel at Marsaskala

Mellieha Bay

Vittoriosa Bridge

Vittoriosa Old Entrance Gate


The Rosary Chapel Marsaskala

St. Georges Bay. Birzebbuga

Marsaxlokk border with Qajenza

No 1 Dock at Cospicua


Upper Barrakka to The Bell

St. Lawrence Church Vittoriosa




Full moon at M'Skala

Garden at Marsaskala

St. Angelo Vittoriosa

What a beauty

St. Thomas Bay


Marsaskala Bay

Tunnara Mellieha

Valletta at night

Fireworks at Fgura


Tigne Sliema

Valletta and St. Angelo

The magnificent St. Angelo

St Thomas Bay

Fireworks at Fgura

Power Station at Marsa
In some few months this will be history

Senglea at Night

Bugibba by night

Fisherman at work

Bugibba by night


Marsaskala Parish Church


Fisherman at work at Delimara Point



Westreme Battery – Tunny Museum – Batterija tat-Tunnara

This Battery was built between 1715 and 1716 by Grandmaster Pirellos and had four 19 pound guns. During the war in 1939 a beach post, a Searchlight room and a Machine gun rooms were added. In 1999 this Battery was handed over to Mellieha Local Council.

Mellieha Parish Church

St. Thomas Bay

St. Agata Tower in Mellieha

A view from Mdina Bastions

 Ghadira limits of Mellieha

Ghadira limits of Mellieha

Victoria Gate at Valletta

Victory Church at Valletta

Vittoriosa Bakery Clock

Vittoriosa Marina

Valletta Port Control

Valletta Harbour

St. Angelo from Senglea

San Anard limits of Xghajra

Upper Barrakka - Valletta

Upper Barrakka - Valletta

Bighi at a distance


St. Angelo Vittoriosa

Fort St. Angelo Vittoriosa

Ghajn Tuffieha

Ghar Hasan

San Anard



Filfla Island

Zonqor Point Marsaskala

Catello Zammitello Mgarr

Free Port from Delimara Point


San Anard

Wied il-Mielah - Gozo


The Macina at Senglea

Maghtab from Mdina

Water Lilies at Mosta

Lunzjata Village at Gozo

Fisherman at Wied iz-Zurrieq


Fort  St. Angelo

Mgarr ix-Xini at Gozo  

The Fougasse at Ix-Xatt l-Ahmar in Gozo
This was a weapon used for coastal defence. It served to prevent landing into a vulnerable part of the coast. This was a rock mortal and excavated out of rock in the shape of a cone.. At the tapered bottom gun powder was placed and on top of it a large amount of rocks, when fired all the rocks used to fall on the enemy attempting to land. It goes back to 1742.

St. Agata Tower Mellieha

Church Square at Mellieha

Caves at San Anard

Hen and Chicks

On the way to Mtarfa


Wied il-Ghasri in Gozo

Imgarr ix-Xini at Gozo

Mgarr ix-Xini Tower at Gozo. Completed in 1661 by Grand Master De Redin for the defence of Gozo

Ta' Pinu Church in Gozo

San Anard

Behind Imgarr ix-Xini in Gozo

Cliffs surrounding the western part of Gozo

Near ix-Xatt l-Ahmar in Gozo

Ghajnsielem in Gozo

Imgarr ix-Xini - Gozo


Water Lilies

Wied iz-Zurrieq


Caves at San Anard

Ix-Xatt L-Ahmar at Gozo

 Gozo -  Limestone erosion ix-Xatt l-Ahmar

Gozo - Azzur Window at Dwejra


Caves at San Anard

Forth St. Angelo at Vittoriosa

Fort St. Angelo at Vittoriosa

Fessej Rock at Gozo

Cottage near Ghar Hasan

Ix-Xatt L-Ahmar in Gozo



The Azzure Window at Dwejra in Gozo

At Munxar in Gozo

Sarraflu near Santa Lucia in Gozo

Limits of Wied il-Ghasri in Gozo

Near Azzure Window in Dwejra, Gozo

Typical Country Hose at Gharb in Gozo

 Wied il-Ghasri limits of Zebbug in Gozo

A view from Sarraflu in Gozo

Ta' Pinu limits of Gharb in Gozo

Wied il-Ghasri limits of Zebbug in Gozo

No 1 Dock at Cospicua

Wied il-Ghasri limits of Zebbug in Gozo

Gozo’s oldest Basilica -- This Chapel is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary It was built in 1739, rebuilt in 1754. It was the first consecrated chapel in Gozo countryside and remained for 161 years

Sanap Cliffs near Munxar in Gozo

Santa Lucia Chapel in Mtarfa

Gozo - Wied il-Ghasri


Mellieha Basilica Square

Wied il-Ghasri at Gozo

Wied il-Mielah at Gozo

Xlendi at a Distance in Gozo

Ghadira Bird Sanctuary

The Chimney Bay Mellieha

Popeye Village near Mellieha


Lane in St. Lucia Gozo

A view from Sarraflu in Gozo

 Asteraceae composite daisy

L-Ghadira Sarraflu limits of St. Lucia in Gozo. Man made pond 143 meters above sea level.

Wied il-Mielah, limits of Ghasri in Gozo 

Tal-Gurdan Lighthouse in Gozo

 Wied il-Mielah, limits of Ghasri in Gozo

St. Lucia Chapel in Imtarfa


Limits of  St. Lucia in Gozo

Wied il-Mielah limits of Gharb in Gozo

Wied il-Mielah limits of Gharb in Gozo

The Cathedral at Mdina

Mtarfa limits of Rabat


Castor Oil Tree

Wied il-Mielah, limits of Ghasri in Gozo

Wied iz-Zurrieq

St. Paul's Bay

Wied iz-Zurrieq

Xghajra limits of Zabbar

St. Lucia Chapel at Mtarfa

St. Agata Tower at Mellieha

Our Lady Sanctuary  at Mellieha


Il-Hamrija limits of Qrendi

Fort Ricasoli at Kalkara

The Chimney limits of Mellieh

The Chimney limits of Mellieha

RC 44 Yacht race at Valletta Port

Vittoriosa at the background

Fort Ricasoli at Kalkara

Mellieha Church Boundery

Just beneath the Mellieha Sanctuary 

St. Paul's Bay

Blue Rock thrush is the National Bird of Malta This Bird lives also in Spain and Greece and stays always in his birth place.

Saguna Cliffs in Gozo

San Raflu in Gozo

Mellieha Sanctuary Dome

Senglea Point

 Thrash at Sapap Cliffs in Gozo

Floriana waterfront

Fort St. Angelo Vittoriosa

Fungus Rock at a Distance Dwejra in Gozo

Saguna Cliffs limits of Sannat

Senglea Macina Gate



No 1 Dock at Cospicua

Ghajn Tuffieha - Golden Bay

Dwejra Tower in Gozo

Tal-Hamrija Tower in Qrendi

Wied iz-Zurrieq

Shelter at Selmun


St. Paul's Bay

Dwejra in Gozo from another angle

Fungus Rock at Dwejra in Gozo

IL-Qolla l-Bajda limits of Marsalforn Gozo

The Azure Window from another angle at Dwejra in Gozo

The Blue Hole at Dwejra in Gozo

St. Paul's Bay

IL-Qolla l-Bajda limits of Marsalforn Gozo

Il-Qbajjar limits of Marsalforn Gozo

Mosta Valley

Tea Cup

Tritoni Fountain Valletta

Wied iz-Zurrieq

The Cathedral at Gozo

Mixed Pepper

St George's Bay at Birzebbuga

Bugibba from Selmun

St. Lucian Tower at Marsaxlokk

Selmun Valley


Selmun Palace at Mellieha

Wied iz-Zurrieq

Selmun Valley

St. Georges Bay - Birzebbuga

Taht iz-Ziemel at Valletta


Valletta Grand Harbour

Pieta Boat House

Selmun Valley

The Malta experience at Valletta

Wied iz-Zurrieq Tower



'Bir il-Hnejja' Well at Selmun

Selmun Palace at Mellieha

Gift by the British for Independence day 1964

A Chapel in a cave at Mosta 



Selmun Parish Church

Mistra Bay from Selmun

Qajenza limits of Birzebbuga

Saint Lucian Tower Marsaxlokk

Borg in-Nadur Church Birzebbuga

St. Paul's Bay from Selmun

Paradise Bay

Selmun Palace in Mellieha

The Maltese Falcon berthed at Vittoriosa

Paradise Bay

Qajenza next to Birzebbuga

St. Paul's bay

Mdina Cathedral at night

 This Maltese Cross plated in gold and silver was a gift by the British on Indipendence 1964

Inside the Lighthouse at Delimara

St. Georges Sqr in Valletta

Bighi just infront of Valletta

Mdina narrow streets

The Market at Valletta

Sunrays at Gozo

Sunset at Qrendi

San Lawrenz - Gozo


Fort St. Angelo - Vittoriosa

Senglea ' Il - Gardjola '

The Bell at Valletta


Marsaxlokk net checking 

Selmun Palace

Marsamxett Harbour Fort Manoel

Senglea - Siren Str

Marsa Old Power Station will be dismanteled this year

A beautiful balcony at Valletta

The Freedom  Monument at Vittoriosa

Senglea The Macina

Maghtab as seen from Mdina

Radar at Dingli

Qawra Point

The Cathedral at Mdina

The Bakery at Vittoriosa
 The old Naval Bakery (now the Maritime Museum) was built on a slip way where The Knights of St. John had their Dockyard which was demolished around the year 1840. It was an innovational building with steel columns. The Bakery used to supply bread and biscuits to the British warships at Vittoriosa. On a personal note I still remember the British Navy ships getting bread through a wooden board hanging from the building to the ship

Dingli Cliffs

Heardsman at Dingli 

Maghtab which was a dumping place 

Qawra Near Ta' Fra Ben

Dingli Clifs

Goden Bay

Lunzjata Valley in Gozo


Xlendi Bay in Gozo

Mgarr Village Malta 

Victoria Lines at Bingemma

Xlendi Bay in Gozo

Marsaskala late evening

Senglea Creek

Itria Chapel at Bingemma limits of Mgarr 

Itria Chapel at Bingemma limits of Mgarr

Central Bank of Malta in Valletta as seen from Senglea


Senglea Belvedere ( Il-Gardjola )

Mellieha Bay

Valletta Harbour Bridge

Senglea Bastions

Valletta Upper Barrakka

The Old Dogana at Valletta

Cave in soft Limestone at Gozo

Typical village house at Kercem in Gozo

Marsaskala late evening

Marsamxetto Harbour

Gozo - Lunzjata Valley

 Gozo - Lunzjata Valley

Valletta Upper Barrakka

Marsaskala late evening

Gozo - Lunzjata Valley

 Gozo - Lunzjata Valley

War Museum Building

Gozo - Lunzjata Valley

The Bell in Valletta

Mellieha - Ghadira Nature Reserve

Valletta Enea at Lower Barrakka

Gozo at a distance

St. Paul's Bay

Xghajra Zabbar

Senglea ( Il-Gardjola )

Swieqi and Penbroke from Rabat

St. Paul's Bay

Mosta at a distance

Tal-Virtu Castle at Rabat. Malta

Xemxija at St. Paul's Bay

The Cathedral at Mdina was built between 1697 to 1702 to replace a Norman cathedral which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1693. Several streets and houses were demolished to create an open space in front of the cathedral.


Mistra Point Limits of St. Paul's Bay


Rabat - Tal-Virtu



Qawra and Bugibba

Azure Window - Dwejra

The Azure Window is a natural arch on the Island of Gozo. It's like a table-like rock over the sea. This and the nearby Inland sea are popular scuba diving sites.

Dwejra is a tourist village and is part of the village of St. Lawrence in Gozo. The water of the bay is very clean and suitable for swimming, boating and scuba diving. A lot of big movies were shot at this place. 

The arch of the Azure Window is disintegrating, large pieces of rock keep falling from the arch. Within a few years the Arch will disappear. The arch is in a dangerous condition.People are warned not to walk on it.

The Cathedral at Imdina

Costa Concordia

 I shot this photo of this ship entering Valletta Harbour in Malta on the 4th Nov 2011 just two months before it went aground.
This 114,137 GT was operated by Costa Crociera and built in Italy. On the 13th January 2012 at about 9.45p.m. in calm seas, this ship struck a rock at Isola di Giglio. There were 3229 passengers and 1023 crew on board of which 32 bodies have been located

                                                                   Verdala Palace - Rabat

The Verdala Palace is the official summer residence of the President of Malta. It was built in 1586 by Grandmaster Hughues Loubenx de Verdalleon. It was a hunting lodge owned previously by Grandmaster Jean de la Valette-Parisot. The surrounding place is called Busketto. The palace was occupied over the years by Grandmaster Jean de Lascaris-Castellar and Grandmaster Manoel de Vilhena. It was also used by Napoleon as a military prison .

St. Michael Bastion

Fort St. Michael in l-Isla (Senglea), built by the Knights of St. John between 1551 and 1565. Works started under the patronage of Grand Master Juan de Homedes and extended to a fortified city by Grand Master Claude de la Sengle during the preparations for the Great Siege of Malta.

Xewkija Church in Gozo as seen from Ta' Cenc

Nadur Gozo

Imdina Bastions

Fort St. Angelo

 Fort St. Angelo at il-Birgu (Vittoriosa) one of the three cities at Valletta harbour, was used by the Knights of St. John and by the British Navy

Imdina Mastions

Auberge de Castille

Typical Country House at Ta' Cenc in Gozo

The four Maltese Islands

Valletta Quay

Upper Barrakka at Valletta

Victory Church at Valletta

Malta Aquarium at Qawra

View from Nadur in Gozo

Windmill at Qala Gozo

Imdina Bridge and Gate

Imdina Bastions

Gozo a view of the country side from Gurdan Lighthouse

Valletta Upper Barrakka and Lift

Imdina Gate

Cospicua  Dock No 1

Cospicua No1 Dock

Casino Notabile at Rabat

Casino Notabile at Rabat

St. Michael Bastions at Senglea

Senglea Basilica

Porto Salvo (St. Philip) Church in Senglea

Freeport at Birzebbuga

Bidnija fields

Vittoriosa by night

Valletta Waterfront

Valletta Waterfront 


Bidnija fields

Cospicua Parish Church

Cottonera Gate at Zabbar

A small lake at Kercem in Gozo
 Saint Rapheal Lake is just outside Kercem on the South-West of the island of Gozo.  It is about
148 metres above sea level.

San Blas at Kercem in Gozo

Il- Munxar limits of Siggiewi

Sally Port at Senglea

Porto Salvo Church at Senglea
Photo shot from Valletta

Senglea at Sunset

Sliema and Paceville

Delimara Lighthouse at a distance

The Bell at Valletta
This 10 Ton bronze bell is located near the Lower Barrakka Gardens in Valletta.The Bell War Memorial commemorates the Siege of Malta from 1940-1943. Almost 1,500 civilians died during the Second World War. Malta was constantly bombarded during this period. In 1942 Malta was awarded the George Cross.

St. Paul's Bay

St. Lucian Tower at Marsaxlokk

St. Angelo at sunrise

Marsaxlokk Power Station

Bighi at sunset

Inside Valletta Port

St.Angelo on the 50th Anniversary  of Independence celebrations

Tritoni Fountain Floriana

The Breakwater Bridge

Castille Official Residence of the Prime Minister

Flag Counter

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